
Learn how to set up your Trezor wallet at Protect your cryptocurrency with our straightforward setup instructions.

Getting Started with Trezor: Your Step-by-Step Guide

Welcome to the ultimate guide for setting up your Trezor wallet! Whether you're new to cryptocurrency or an experienced user, securing your digital assets is paramount. At Trezor, we make it easy and straightforward to protect your investments. Follow this guide to set up your Trezor wallet quickly and safely.

What is Trezor?

Trezor is a hardware wallet designed to provide top-tier security for your cryptocurrencies. By storing your private keys offline, Trezor minimizes the risk of hacks and unauthorized access. It supports a wide range of cryptocurrencies, making it a versatile choice for many investors.

Why Use a Trezor Wallet?

  • Enhanced Security: Your private keys are stored offline, away from potential online threats.

  • User-Friendly Interface: The setup process is intuitive, even for beginners.

  • Wide Cryptocurrency Support: Trezor supports multiple cryptocurrencies, allowing you to manage various assets in one place.

  • Backup and Recovery Options: Easily back up and recover your wallet with a recovery seed.

How to Set Up Your Trezor Wallet

Setting up your Trezor wallet is simple. Just follow these steps:

Step 1: Unbox Your Trezor

When you receive your Trezor package, ensure it contains the following items:

  • Trezor device

  • USB cable

  • User manual

  • Recovery seed card

Step 2: Connect Your Trezor

  1. Connect to Computer: Use the provided USB cable to connect your Trezor device to your computer.

  2. Access Open your web browser and go to This page provides the latest setup instructions and downloads.

Step 3: Install Trezor Bridge

To communicate with your Trezor device, you need to install Trezor Bridge, a piece of software that facilitates the connection between your device and the computer.

  1. Download Trezor Bridge: Follow the link on the setup page to download the software.

  2. Install Trezor Bridge: Run the downloaded file and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.

Step 4: Initialize Your Trezor Device

  1. Create a New Wallet: Once Trezor Bridge is installed, open the Trezor Wallet interface in your browser. You will be prompted to create a new wallet.

  2. Set Up PIN: Choose a secure PIN to protect your device. You will enter this PIN every time you connect your Trezor.

  3. Write Down Recovery Seed: Your Trezor will display a 24-word recovery seed. Write these words down in the exact order on the recovery seed card provided. This seed is crucial for recovering your wallet if the device is lost or damaged.

Step 5: Verify Your Recovery Seed

To ensure you have correctly noted your recovery seed, Trezor will prompt you to re-enter the words in the correct order. This step is essential for verifying that your backup is accurate.

Last updated